Master Your Archetypes
Dive deeper into your archetypes and unlock core personality traits to better illuminate your path toward personal growth.
You’ve taken the Life Block quiz, but discovering your archetype is just the tip of the iceberg!
Get the full Mastering Your Archetypes report to unlock all your major and minor personality archetypes, view your life blocks, and dive deeper into how those life blocks manifest.
Unlocking your complete report is quick and easy. With a one-time payment, you get access to the entire picture of who you are (and how your personality developed), fast-tracking you on your path to personal transformation. If you want to unblock your path to releasing fear, heal past trauma and imposter syndrome so that you can have the love, health and wealth you deserve, then work 1-on-1 with our amazing team of coaches.
Coaching Options

Work with one of our amazing coaches 1-on-1 to dive deeper into your life blocks and define your life goals. Work with a coach to hold you accountable and guide you to achieving your new life vision.
- Book hourly sessions as you go
- Go deep into your own personal goals and understand what’s interrupting you from the life you want
- Remove personal obstacles and reset to a more powerful mindset around health, money & wealth, love and relationships
- Using the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System™ and other tools, get personal coaching in a private setting
- 1-on-1 video coaching in the privacy of your home or office
- Take the Life Block Quiz and Review your Results with a trained Archetypes coach
- Dive deeper into where your Life Blocks began
- Live coaching to Release the Life Blocks and corresponding unconscious behaviors that no longer serve you
- Map out each area in your life to understand how the Life Blocks show up
- Create a new plan for how you wish to respond in each area of your life
- Define up to 3 goals with your coach
- Define a plan to achieve your goals and achieve the happiness and success you deserve