The Dolphin
Excitement, novelty, cooperation
Seeing the glass as half-full, harmonious, team player
Playful, optimistic, a natural social butterfly
Being adventurous, emotional sensitivity, positivity

The dolphin archetype has a light and joyful personality. Usually outgoing and jovial with a playful sense of humor. People love being around a dolphin.
Early on in life, a dolphin may have encountered situations where they questioned whether they were loved. This feeling causes a lot of sadness and can cause a dolphin to withdraw from social activities and those closest to them. Often dolphins will spend a lot of time alone, as they try to find their way. Because of this, a dolphin archetype becomes very independent and protective over their peace of mind. They come to value harmony, joy and the spirit of cooperation. They are happiest when everyone is getting along and tend to be uncomfortable with confrontation or discord.
If a dolphin is able to learn the tools to master their emotions, they learn to love themselves and have love and compassion for others. They will develop a quiet confidence and be comfortable in their own skin. They are usually at ease at this point and comfortable in most settings. They are very sensitive to energies so they become very selective of who they spend time with. The wrong people will drain their energy, so they will find balance with solitude and spending time in the company of those they love. Dolphins love social interaction, but only in the company of good people or those that don’t pull energy from them. Dolphins can sometimes get easily drained in large groups but otherwise are very social and love to enjoy all the beauty and wonder life has to offer. They love to explore and travel and will be playful whenever they can, understanding that this is a core need and they will even use this playful energy as a gauge to see if they’re with the right people and making the right choices in business and in life.
Dolphins are very sensitive creatures. While light and playful most of the time, if a dolphin gets triggered, they will usually retreat and get quiet. Dolphins will take the time to reflect on their emotions and what precisely upset them.
Because they don’t like their peace of mind disturbed, they take the time to do a lot of inner work to understand their needs and look after themselves. Because they had early experiences of not feeling loved, they learn that they have to love themselves and look after their own needs. This can be difficult for their partner, as the dolphin retreating may feel like the silent treatment, which can be hard to process.
The dolphin archetype does not like drama and unnecessary emotional outbursts, so will instead take the time to process before they communicate and try to resolve the issues. If a dolphin has not learned to develop in a healthy way, this avoidance of difficult situations can sometimes alienate those closest to a dolphin as loved ones will feel unimportant when a dolphin withdraws. Once the upheaval has passed, a dolphin will reconnect. If a dolphin is able to learn the tools to develop in a healthy way, the dolphin will be a good friend and be able to reach out to those even in troubled times.
When a dolphin resolves an issue, they’re not usually interested in rehashing old wounds so once discussed, they can move on easily. A dolphin will have a very difficult time being with a more dramatic personality archetype. If you’re lucky enough to be with a dolphin, you can expect easy and peaceful resolutions to issues and a lot of fun along the way.
This inner conflict around feeling loved and accepted plays out in many ways for a dolphin.
They like to do things well, but if it becomes too difficult, a dolphin will pull back, sometimes leaving things unfinished. Dolphins are less about the micro – the details – and more about the macro – the big picture. They often leave details for other people to manage, so they may lose control of a project at work.
With their playful nature, a dolphin prefers always staying light and breezy, even when struggling with something on the inside. This can delay or prevent the dolphin from communicating their needs till it’s too late and they blow up. This can be shocking for their partner who thought everything was fine because the dolphin seemed happy and breezy.
A dolphin loves to play so it will find balance between work and social life, which means they don’t always deliver on their commitments. This will be challenging for their teams and their relationships.
On the pathway to mastering this personality archetype, the dolphin will learn to love themselves and others, even when conflict arises. They will learn to be more understanding of themselves and others and learn to process their emotions more quickly. They will also learn how to stay committed to finishing a project versus getting distracted. These lessons include understanding where the unconscious belief began, how the life block gets triggered, what the various reactions could be before healing, and how to make new choices when they develop a healthy mindset. So the dolphin eventually learns that they are loved, that they have always been loved and supported. The dolphin will become whole and complete again.
You have 1 of your 3 Animal Archetypes, which explain your survival based behaviors. Unlock your Animal Archetypes and discover your complete personality profile. The Animal Archetypes are meant to help you discover where your strategies and strengths that helped you survive may be holding you back from truly thriving in your life. If you want to experience breakthroughs in the area of love and relationships, better health, the ability to create wealth and abundance or just to find that inner peace and happiness you seek, start here. This is the missing piece to help you unlock your greatest potential. Not only will it help you uncover what might be missing in your life, but you’ll develop a deeper understanding of those closest to you. If you’re ready for STEP 3, then start your journey today with the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System™ and learn to retrain your brain for better health, greater abundance and long lasting happiness. Zahra’s book 6 Weeks to Happy lays out the plan and our coaches can help you stick to it. Choose the package that works for you.
Animal Archetype Bundle
Your full Personality profile
Your Animal Archetypes and Life Blocks defined
Animal Archetypes Guidebook
R.E.W.I.R.E. Bundle
Includes Everything From the Animal Archetype Bundle
Digital Copy of 6 Weeks to Happy
Containing strategy and the tools you need to R.E.W.I.R.E. your mindset and overcome your Life Blocks
The 6 Weeks to Happy Workbook
The 6 Weeks to Happy Planner

The Next Level Bundle
Includes Everything From the Animal Archetype Bundle
The R.E.W.I.R.E. Bundle
1 Hour of One-on-One Coaching
To help you deepen your understanding of your Animal Archetypes and the tools of the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System so that you can overcome Life Blocks