The Gazelle
Stability, commitment, certainty
Deep thinkers, methodical, loyal
Deliberate, tactical, ability to foresee danger
Risk aversion, deliberate action, creating & maintaining structure

The gazelle archetype is always Active & Busy. They are highly alert, very sensitive to energies and are generally Low Risk takers.
Early on in life, they may have experienced an event that made them feel unsafe in this world, so they are on high alert for danger. Gazelles developed the ability to be quick on their feet and cautious in their approach to life. They can be deep thinkers and are generally very methodical, carefully weighing out each life decision.
Gazelle archetypes won’t typically jump into relationships or professional commitments. They will be tactical in their approach and want to see all of the data before they will be ready to make a decision. They will need to take things slowly to gauge their level of comfort and only make a decision after serious deliberation. People in relationships with a gazelle will need to be very patient as they wait for a gazelle to step forward.
Once a gazelle has made a decision, be it financial, in love and relationships or in business, they show a very high level of commitment and dedication. As the gazelle values stability, commitment and certainty, they will be very protective of everything they commit to. Gazelles can make wonderful partners as they are loyal and protective of their relationships.
A gazelle archetype is quick to take action and prioritizes the feeling of safety and security.
In an unhealthy expression of this, it can make a gazelle bolt or run from danger. How this plays out in career or relationships is that the gazelle archetype may avoid commitments and move around a lot as though they have no direction.
If a gazelle has developed a healthier mindset and has developed its keen sense of perception, then they will recognize that they are about to run and can stop and assess the situation for real versus perceived danger. A healthy gazelle will not sabotage a relationship and be able to soothe themselves, reassuring themselves that they can feel safe and trust this person. If you’re in a relationship with a gazelle archetype, you’ll need to learn that they may have a tendency to run from their problems in life and from confrontation. You will also need to learn what a gazelle needs to feel safe. However, a gazelle archetype that has not learned the tools to master their emotions will likely continue to have commitment issues in life and in love. This can be learned and when the gazelle does this work, they can learn to be one of the most dependable and lovable creatures both at work and in relationships.
A gazelle is prone to protect themselves and be very cautious in everything they do. This impacts relationships in a big way. Early on, the gazelle will run from commitment or take a very long time to be ready for commitment, which will be frustrating for those wishing to be in a relationship with a gazelle.
In work and career, they have a tendency to deliberate and explore all choices for a long time, which can lead to indecision and sometimes paralyze a gazelle from being able to make a choice.
In conflict, the gazelle will have a tendency to run and not engage. Until the gazelle can learn how to master their emotions and understand their nature, they may feel untethered and lost.
On the pathway to mastering this personality archetype, the gazelle will learn that it’s ok to make mistakes and will be able to weigh out lighter versus more life affecting decisions more easily. They will also learn to be more understanding of themselves and learn how to process their emotions so that they don’t run from difficult situations. They will learn how to take greater risks. These lessons include understanding where the unconscious belief began, how the life block gets triggered, what the various reactions could be before healing, and how to make new choices when healed. So the gazelle eventually learns that they are safe in life and that it’s safe to love and be loved. The gazelle will become whole and complete again.
You have 1 of your 3 Animal Archetypes, which explain your survival based behaviors. Unlock your Animal Archetypes and discover your complete personality profile. The Animal Archetypes are meant to help you discover where your strategies and strengths that helped you survive may be holding you back from truly thriving in your life. If you want to experience breakthroughs in the area of love and relationships, better health, the ability to create wealth and abundance or just to find that inner peace and happiness you seek, start here. This is the missing piece to help you unlock your greatest potential. Not only will it help you uncover what might be missing in your life, but you’ll develop a deeper understanding of those closest to you. If you’re ready for STEP 3, then start your journey today with the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System™ and learn to retrain your brain for better health, greater abundance and long lasting happiness. Zahra’s book 6 Weeks to Happy lays out the plan and our coaches can help you stick to it. Choose the package that works for you.
Animal Archetype Bundle
Your full Personality profile
Your Animal Archetypes and Life Blocks defined
Animal Archetypes Guidebook
R.E.W.I.R.E. Bundle
Includes Everything From the Animal Archetype Bundle
Digital Copy of 6 Weeks to Happy
Containing strategy and the tools you need to R.E.W.I.R.E. your mindset and overcome your Life Blocks
The 6 Weeks to Happy Workbook
The 6 Weeks to Happy Planner

The Next Level Bundle
Includes Everything From the Animal Archetype Bundle
The R.E.W.I.R.E. Bundle
1 Hour of One-on-One Coaching
To help you deepen your understanding of your Animal Archetypes and the tools of the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System so that you can overcome Life Blocks