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Meditation & How to Gain Control

While you may be uncomfortable with the concept at first, I’d like to ask you to suspend your disbelief or distaste for it and just give it a shot. This is a common theme in several of the best selling positive psychology books and it’s also a common practice amounts the most successful men and women in the world. I myself went full circle with meditation. I was taught to meditate as a child and grew up in a family that practiced this daily. I knew I felt something wonderful when I did it. I felt calmer, more relaxed. I could even tell that my face seemed brighter that day, which I couldn’t quite explain. Still, religion was forced onto us and if we didn’t practice, it was a punishable offence, so I pushed it away. Years later, after reading many books on the study of success and the study of happiness, I found it was always on the list as one of the top five common tools to help you achieve more joy, more connection, more peace, more success in your life and so….. reluctantly, believe me…. I gave in and decided to try it.

It took me a while to figure out a way to do it that resonated with me. Elkhart Tolle talks about the stillness of a tree. Just take a deep breath and imagine you’re sitting on a beautiful beach…a tall palm tree beside you. Observe how the leaves blow gently in the wind and also observe how still it is….how grounded in the earth…how peaceful. In that moment, reading about the stillness, I got it. It was that elusive feeling that had escaped me for so long…. how to go beyond thought to find that still space where the mind can be quiet. I cannot tell you how lovely an experience it is to hush those voices in your head…to slow down the swirl of thoughts that circle us most of the day. It’s a beautiful and peaceful feeling unlike any other. So how do you do it?

Start with just five minutes a day. Sit in silence or sit in nature, take a few deep long breaths to slow down your breathing and your heart rate. If this is difficult for you, then find a guided meditation online, like the Ah Meditation by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, and do it for as long as you can. Soon enough, you will start to feel lighter, more calm, more energized, more focused and more at peace.

Practicing meditation has been proved to have enormous health benefits. It can bring you happiness, improved health, increased energy and can maximize performance. Scientific evidence has shown that meditation can improve focus by up to ten times, can boost your immunity and decrease the risk of disease by 50%, it reduces depression by 75% and anxiety by 30% and increases your overall sense of well being by 65%. In terms of emotional well being, it lessens worry and impulsivity, reduces stress, fear and loneliness, enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance, improves resilience against pain and adversity, increases optimism, self-awareness and relaxation. Meditation can help prevent emotional eating and smoking. It helps develop positive social connections and improves your mood and increases emotional intelligence.

I can’t think of a reason not to take five minutes a day to do this. It has become my favourite part of the day now and, while nothing in my day changes, everything changes, because it just feels like everything comes together more easily.

Try to work your way up to twenty minutes a day…. but just start with five minutes… just five minutes a day to invest in yourself…. to focus on yourself without outside noise…. you’re so worth it.


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Ronda is a Peak Performance Coach focusing on Life Coaching and the Mental Wellbeing of Athletes in her practice. She is also contracted through a large Division 1 University program to work with their athletes as a mental coach. She specializes in fear, pressure, adversity, uncertainty, removing obstacles, anxiety, doubt, recovering from injuries or setbacks, and identity beyond a sport or a role. She provides a proactive approach to the mental health of athletes and teams on wellbeing and the mental side of the game. Ronda is also an accomplished athlete herself and spent five seasons as a head coach for a Professional Women’s Hockey team in the Premier Hockey Federation, and is a scout for the Nashville Predators of the NHL.

Ronda’s education includes undergraduate studies in Psychology, a Masters in School Counseling and post graduate certifications in Applied Positive Psychology, The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ, and is certified as an Applied Positive Psychology coach, specializing in Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching, Teamwork and Collaboration. While Ronda has specialized in the athletic mindset, she is passionate about helping any person wanting to uncover what is possible and learn to use their mind as an asset for reaching their full potential.


Sylvia Halligan is a mind-body mental agility and change management coach. She helps organizations successfully lead and navigate change, make it stick, and empower individuals to transform into flourishing, thriving beings. Her personal coaching practice incorporates a blend of eastern philosophy practices backed by western science. Interventions include guided visualization, hypnosis, breath work, embodiment, energy psychology, positive psychology, and neuroscience.

Sylvia is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), holds certifications in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) and Applied Positive Psychology Coaching (CAPP), and is an ICF credentialed Associate Certified Coach (ACC). She is also a Prosci-Certified Change Management Practitioner and certified in The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ. Specialties: Leading organizations through change and making it stick. Guiding individual change journeys through holistic mind-body coaching. Teaching people to thrive, not just survive.


Anjali is a Holistic Health & Positive Psychology Pracitioner. As a naturally intuitive, compassionate, and deeply empathetic coach, Anjali creates an environment for her clients that allows them to truly understand the connection of how the mind and body coexist and relate to one another. Assisting clients in understanding the mind & body connection, how blocked emotions can reappear in emotional patterning or physical alignments in the body, and aids in healing through the use of various techniques, including The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ.

Anjali holds degrees in Communications and an MBA, along with post graduate degrees and certifications in Applied Positive Psychology, Integrative Holistic Health Coaching and Breathwork.ᵀᴹ


Marjolein is a trainer, facilitator and coach, specializing in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. In her individual coaching practice, Marjolein works with people to educate and empower them with the tools from Positive Psychology, Self Compassion and Emotional Intelligence. Her work with corporations includes embedding innovative, human-centric mindset coaching, training and facilitation. She’s a Senior Leadership Facilitator for THNK, The School of Creative Leadership in Amsterdam, Netherlands where she develops global leaders in international corporations to unlock their full potential in leading themselves, and others, for greater impact.

Marjolein holds certifications in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership, Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) and is an Applied Positive Psychology coach. She is also trained in Self Compassion, through the thought leader in this space, Kristen Neff, and is certified in The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ. Marjolein holds a Masters degree in Biomedical Sciences and Post Graduate degrees in Management and Positive Psychology.