The Bear
Predictability, control, power
Anticipating risk, assuming responsibility
Emotional fortitude, dependability, maintaining structure
Following through on commitments, holding themselves accountable

Bear archetypes are bold and will make life and career choices that allow them to express their powerful side. They tend to be thought leaders and will strive for big success.
They likely experienced unpredictable events early on in life that caused them to question their capabilities and made them wonder if they would ever be successful. As a result, they develop a deep determination and drive to push forward and be the best they can be. They crave the power and control to be able to create a stable and predictable environment. If a bear has not mastered their emotions, having a partner change plans, or do something spontaneously, can make a bear feel out of control. Commitments and a person’s word are paramount.
Bears hold themselves to a high standard and expect the same of those around them. They need to feel like a priority and when commitments change, it can make a bear feel unimportant or insignificant. Negotiation for control in all relationships, personal and professional works best for a bear archetype, as they need stability and predictability as much as possible. Bears are usually large and in charge type personalities.
An unhealthy expression of a bear archetype may include being dismissive and expecting to be catered to. Since they are leaders, much of their lives are spent with people following their directions and this can spill over into their personal lives. Their time is very valuable at work and it’s easy for a bear to become accustomed to this treatment. This becomes difficult for those in relationships with a bear archetype, whether it’s a partner or loved ones, as they need to learn to cater to the whims of the bear. When a bear is able to learn how to let others share their views without judgement, a bear will finally soften and be a joy to be around. Life with a bear archetype will never be dull as they love adventure and will enjoy the very best life has to offer.
Bear archetypes can be incredibly charming, loving and generous. They are prone to grand gestures, excitement and adventure, just as they are prone to grand life choices. When triggered, the bear can be just as dramatic and loud when expressing disappointment with outbursts of anger as they absolutely need to feel seen and heard. If they’ve learned to tame the anger, then they tend to be stubborn and hold tight to their position, even though it may be counter to resolving a dispute.
Loss of control in situations will make a bear feel unsafe, so they are constantly driven to regain control. This can be difficult for their partner as they may not fully understand the need to control every little detail. In matters of money, career and success, the bear is not shy to go after what they want.
Similarly, when triggered, the bear will draw clear lines around which behaviors are acceptable around them. Again, the bear needs to control their environment and relationships as much as possible as this is how the bear feels steady.
If a bear archetype can learn to heal the past and their unconscious beliefs that keep them blocked, they will be able to choose more work life balance. They will also learn how to look after their loved ones without the need for so much control, making life feel easier and gentler for all involved.
Bear archetypes can be incredibly charming, loving and generous. They are prone to grand gestures, excitement and adventure, just as they are prone to grand life choices. When triggered, the bear can be just as dramatic and loud when expressing disappointment with outbursts of anger as they absolutely need to feel seen and heard. If they’ve learned to tame the anger, then they tend to be stubborn and hold tight to their position, even though it may be counter to resolving a dispute.
Loss of control in situations will make a bear feel unsafe, so they are constantly driven to regain control. This can be difficult for their partner as they may not fully understand the need to control every little detail. In matters of money, career and success, the bear is not shy to go after what they want.
Similarly, when triggered, the bear will draw clear lines around which behaviors are acceptable around them. Again, the bear needs to control their environment and relationships as much as possible as this is how the bear feels steady.
If a bear archetype can learn to heal the past and their unconscious beliefs that keep them blocked, they will be able to choose more work life balance. They will also learn how to look after their loved ones without the need for so much control, making life feel easier and gentler for all involved.
On the positive pathway to mastering this personality archetype, the bear will learn that big reactions are not the only way to communicate their needs. They will also learn to be more understanding of themselves and learn how to flow when things happen in life and in love. They learn to reassure themselves that they have always been capable of great success. These lessons include understanding where the unconscious belief began, how the life block gets triggered, what the various reactions could be before healing, and how to make new choices when healed. So the bear eventually learns that they are important and valued and they will learn patience with themselves and others. The bear will become whole and complete again.
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You have 1 of your 3 Animal Archetypes, which explain your survival based behaviors. Unlock your Animal Archetypes and discover your complete personality profile. The Animal Archetypes are meant to help you discover where your strategies and strengths that helped you survive may be holding you back from truly thriving in your life. If you want to experience breakthroughs in the area of love and relationships, better health, the ability to create wealth and abundance or just to find that inner peace and happiness you seek, start here. This is the missing piece to help you unlock your greatest potential. Not only will it help you uncover what might be missing in your life, but you’ll develop a deeper understanding of those closest to you. If you’re ready for STEP 3, then start your journey today with the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System™ and learn to retrain your brain for better health, greater abundance and long lasting happiness. Zahra’s book 6 Weeks to Happy lays out the plan and our coaches can help you stick to it. Choose the package that works for you.
Animal Archetype Bundle
Your full Personality profile
Your Animal Archetypes and Life Blocks defined
Animal Archetypes Guidebook
R.E.W.I.R.E. Bundle
Includes Everything From the Animal Archetype Bundle
Digital Copy of 6 Weeks to Happy
Containing strategy and the tools you need to R.E.W.I.R.E. your mindset and overcome your Life Blocks
The 6 Weeks to Happy Workbook
The 6 Weeks to Happy Planner

The Next Level Bundle
Includes Everything From the Animal Archetype Bundle
The R.E.W.I.R.E. Bundle
1 Hour of One-on-One Coaching
To help you deepen your understanding of your Animal Archetypes and the tools of the R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset System so that you can overcome Life Blocks